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If you have a complaint about the service provided by the Bank, you should send a written notice with a detailed description of the complaint by mail or e-mail to the Bank using the following details:

The Bank will always aim to resolve your complaint as soon as possible.

If your complaint relates to a payment service issue (including but not limited to complaints about money remittance, payment charges and fees, access to payment and account data) the Bank will write to you a final response within 15 Working Days from the receipt of your complaint.
Just in case the Bank needs more time to address the complaint, the Bank will inform you. In this exceptional situation, the Bank has up to 35 Working Days to respond to your complaint.
For all other complaints, the Bank will provide you with a response within 8 weeks since the receipt of the complaint.

If the Bank has not been able to resolve your complaint within the terms indicated above, or if you are not satisfied by the Bank’s response, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
If you want to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service, you have to do this within six months from the receipt of the Bank’s final response.

The Bank has joined the voluntary jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service in the UK.

To find out more about this service, you can:

a) visit:; or

b) write to

The Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower


E14 9SR; or

a) phone them on: 0800 0234 567 or 0300 1239 123; or

b) fax them on : 020 7964 1001; or

c) email them at:

If you do not accept the decision of the Financial Ombudsman Service, you can still go to court (please, consider that the statute of limitations still applies). You can also decide that you do not want to take your complaint any further with the Financial Ombudsman Service and inform them of your decision.