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We want to make sure that this website is accessible to everyone and people of all abilities can use and visit the website. FinecoBank follows internal bank rules and standards that are linked to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0.

Our intent is to feature the content of our website in a way that each visitor has an easy access to all the information he/she is looking for. The ease of use and online development of our website is regularly monitored and will be optimized towards the goal on the basis of the feedback we receive from our website visitors.

The FinecoBank website is optimized and visible on different screen sizes. There’s a sitemap to help you find what you’re looking for.

Accessibility guidelines

Our websites are built according to the AA level of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, the internationally recognised benchmark for building accessible websites, specifying how to make websites more accessible for people with disabilities. By following these guidelines, our website is more user-friendly for all our customers and website visitors.

Web standards and technologies

This website has been built to conform to the W3C standards for HTML and CSS and these technologies are used throughout the site.

If the web browser you use is old, some sections of our website might not work or display properly. We recommend everyone to regularly update their browser to guarantee the best possible experience on our website.

Some of the information on our website is shared using PDFs, but these technologies are not relied upon, and the website works fine even without them.

Some areas of our website require the use of JavaScript. When required, you will be prompted to use it.

Some of the ways we increase our website accessibility:

We use alternative text together with images with strong colour contrasts, so that people who can't see the image are able to read the text describing the image.

There are no “Click here” links found on our website: all the links, including internal and external links as well as downloadable documents, have a clear context that identifies and describes the target of the links.

The tables on our website are laid out in tabular form with captions and clear headings readable through screen readers and we use style sheets to control the presentation of pages of our website.